Saturday 16 April 2011

The one that i love.

Sebenarnya,banyak aku mau cerita but..firstly nak introduce dulu with the one who give inspiration to get to where i am now..
Firstly,i want to introduce my mom.

My supermom.She give me strength that nothing is impossible. Being a single mom could be difficult and she doing a great job in making sure that me and my sis get a good studies and never feel lack of anything.That why,i love her.She have outdone herself just to see me and my sis succeed.<3 <3

Next is my Lovely sister.
walaupun dia kadang2 sot...tapi rindu plak kalo xdapat buli dia..baik ba dia...hahaha...kdg2 dia ok...tapi kalo da mengamuk,mengalahkan naga betina..buruk perangai..hehe tapi kakak tetap kakak kan..I love her even though dia keras kepala betul..Dia pandai buat muka munyet...hahaha..miss her so much.Ramai yang puji dia cantik n lebih muda dari aku..even aku yang anak bongsu..adehh..terpaksa mematangkan diri sebab dia lebih nampak xmatang dari diri ku..
 Dorang2 la yang menyinari hidupku...yang menjadikan aku who i am today.Mungkin kita kadang2 terlepas pandang family sendiri dan lebih memilih rakan2 atau kekasih..tapi when you have family yang unik mcm aku...i bet u will appreciate the family u have today..It not easy to live without father but we have made it..we live with gurlzz power...survive ol the heartache and that what made me more proud of my own family. P/s :appreciate what you have today coz u never know tomorrow will brings..:)

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