Saturday 30 April 2011

The worst feeling in the world..

Sometimes all i could do is silent because there is no word to say what i really feel..Feel so insure..feel like there is nothing i could do.Have u ever hate someone that intend to make them feel what you really feel?I have gone through so many unfortunate event in my whole life..but get tired of being a good girl..So,what did i do?I stop being hypocrite..stop of being nice little girl that easy to be playing around..I start being myself..being strong to do whatever that my heart desire..I always tell myself not to cry when things get tough but i'm just a human..I feel sad..i feel happy and i feel everything that human could feel.But what kill me the most is being hate for the thing i did not do..Not all people understands me..God!!i wish they could!!!Don't be so insecure,it's'll just get a pimples from thinking of a way to ruin me.I’ve learnt to accept that I’m not a likable person. I’m not a people person. I don’t talk much. Silence is not golden, it is awkward for most. I keep to myself. People think I’m really mean. I’m not. I’m just really honest and blunt. People don’t like to argue all the time or hear that they’re wrong. Everyone always says I look pissed all the time. Or that I look like I’m a ten year old with scary eyes. That I’m pretty or cute but my personality ruins everything for relationships or even some friendships. Why do people tell me these things? Do they hope I’ll change? Or that I’ll improve so that when I meet other new people, I won’t turn them away? No. I’ve learned that I like being myself. Even if other people have problems with me and it may leave me to be alone, I’d rather be me than another fake bitch. The world already has too many of those. I’m not just another face in the crowd.

“Let me help you to shut the fuck up.”

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